
A large part of this thesis focuses on quantitative methods, but one must never forget that the numbers and models represent real lives and real suffering. Numbers are meaningless if they do not correspond to real change. Therefore, I want to thank all the participants in our studies. I am especially grateful to everyone who persisted with our internet intervention even though progress might have felt slow, and our measures were too long and hard to answer. You have contributed to increasing our understanding of problem gambling even if you might not have felt like it.

Thanks to everyone involved in the clinical trials, all the staff, and all the clinicians.

Thanks to all colleagues and collaborators both at CPF and SU, there have been too many interesting people coming and going over the years. I do not dare to try and name everybody. A special thanks to Maria Garke and Viktor Månsson for helping with proofreading the “kappa” (thesis frame).

I would also like to thank all the people who have sent me random encouragement, questions, feedback, feature requests, bug reports, or who have shared my work. Doctoral studies can be a solitary activity with little feedback from the outside world. I know I have missed replying to many of you, but I honestly feel that you have made these years much more joyful.

A big thanks to all the people all around the world, sacrificing their nights and weekends to create open-source software that improves science. You do not get enough credit for your work.

Lastly, thanks to my supervisors, Per Carlbring, Clara Hellner, and Gerhard Andersson. A special thanks to Per, my main supervisor, for always being supportive and giving me the freedom to explore new ideas and follow my interests.