Interpréter la taille de l'effet par le d de Cohen

Une visualisation interactive

Créée par Kristoffer Magnusson

Traduit par Romain Bechet


La taille d’effet du d de Cohen est extrêmement populaire en psychologie. Cependant, son interprétation n’est pas simple et les chercheurs utilisent souvent des directives générales, telles que faible (0.2), moyenne (0.5) et importante (0.8) lorsqu’ils interprètent un effet. De plus, dans de nombreux cas, il est permis de se demander si la différence moyenne standardisée est plus facile à interpréter que la différence moyenne non-standardisée.

Dans le but d’aider à l’interprétation du d de Cohen, cette visualisation permet les représentations suivantes: le chevauchement, le U3 de Cohen, la probabilité de supériorité, le pourcentage de chevauchement et le nombre de patients nécessaires à traiter. La visualisation vous permet également de changer l’écart type et elle affiche les différences non-standardisées.

d de Cohen

Chargement de la visualisation

U3 de Cohen

% Chevauchement

Probabilité de supériorité

Nombre de patients à traiter

Une explication simple

Avec un d de Cohen de 0.80, 78.8% du groupe "treatment" a une valeur supérieure à la moyenne du groupe "control" (U3 de Cohen), 68.9% des deux groupes se chevauchent, et il y a 71.4% de chances qu'une personne choisie au hasard dans le groupe traitement ait un score plus élevé qu'une personne choisie au hasard dans le groupe contrôle (probabilité de supériorité). De plus, dans le but d'avoir un meilleur résultat en faveur du groupe traitement, nous avons besoin d'inclure 3.5 personnes en moyenne dans le groupe traitement. Cela signifie que s'il y a 100 personnes dans chaque groupe, et nous supposons que 20 personnes ont un résultat favorable dans le groupe contrôle, alors 20 + 28.3 personnes dans le groupe traitement auront des résultats favorables.1

1Les valeurs sont des moyennes, et il est supposé que 20 (CER) du groupe contrôle auront un "résultat favorable," c'est-à-dire que leur résultat est inférieur à un seuil donné. Vous pouvez changer ce paramètre grâce au symbole 'paramètre' à droite du slider. Allez dans la section 'formules' pour plus d'informations.

Written by Kristoffer Magnusson, a researcher in clinical psychology. You should follow him on Bluesky or on Twitter.


Changer le d de Cohen

Pour changer le d de Cohen, utiliser le Slider, ou ouvrir le panneau des paramètres. Les entrées peuvent également être contrôlées en utilisant les flèches du clavier.


Vous pouvez changer les paramètres suivants en cliquant sur l’icône paramètres à droite du Slider

  • Paramètres
    • Moyenne 1
    • Moyenne 2
    • Ecart type
    • Ratio d’évènement en condition contrôle (CER - Control group Event Rate)
  • Labels
    • Axe X
    • Distribution 1
    • Distribution 2
  • Paramètres du Slider
    • Maximum
    • Résolution du Slider : contrôle le pas du Slider

Enregistrer les paramètres

Les paramètres peuvent être enregistrés dans le stockage local de votre navigateur et rester présents à chaque visite.

Axes et échelles

Vous pouvez bouger l’axe X en cliquant dessus et en glissant la souris. Un Double-clic sur la visualisation permet de centrer et de réinitialiser l’échelle.

Utilisation hors-ligne

Le site utilise un Service Worker et fonctionne même hors-ligne.

d de Cohen

Le d de Cohen est simplement la différence standardisée des moyennes,


est le paramètre de population du d de Cohen. Il est supposé que que , c’est-à-dire que les variances des populations sont homogènes. Enfin, est la moyenne respective de chaque population.

Le U3 de Cohen

Cohen (1977) a défini le U3 comme la mesure du non-chevauchement, lorsque “l’on prend le pourcentage de la population A qui est inférieure à la moitié supérieure de la population B”. Le d de Cohen peut être converti en U3 de Cohen en utilisant la formule suivante

est la distribution de répartition (ou fonction de distribution cumulative) de la distribution normale standard, et la population du d de Cohen.


Généralement appelé coefficient de chevauchement (overlapping coefficient (OVL) en anglais). Le d de Cohen peut être converti en OVL en utilisant la formule suivante (Reiser et Faraggi, 1999)

est la distribution de répartition de la distribution normale standard, et la population du d de Cohen.

Probabilité de supériorité

C’est la taille d’effet, avec de nombreux noms : taille d’effet en langage commun (LC), aire sous la fonction d’efficacité du récepteur (AUC), ou simplement A pour ces versions non-paramétriques (Ruscio et Mullen, 2012). Il se veut plus intuitif pour les personnes sans aucune formation statistique. La taille de l’effet donne la probabilité qu’une personne choisie au hasard dans le groupe traitement ait un score plus élevé qu’une personne prise au hasard dans le groupe contrôle. Le d de Cohen peut être converti en LC en utilisant la formule suivante :

est la distribution de répartition de la distribution normale standard, et la population du d de Cohen.

Nombre de patients à traiter (NNT)

NNT est le nombre de patients que nous devrions traiter pour atteindre un résultat plus favorable comparé au groupe contrôle. Furukawa et Leucht (2011) donnent la formule suivante pour convertir le d de Cohen en NNT :

est la distribution de répartition de la distribution normale standard et son inverse, CER est le ratio d’évènement en condition contrôle et la population du d de Cohen. N.B. CER est fixé à 20 % dans la visualisation ci-dessus. Vous pouvez changer cette valeur grâce au bouton paramètres à droite du Slider. Les définitions d’un “évènement” ou d’une “réponse” sont arbitraires et doivent être définies comme la proportion de patients qui sont en rémission, c’est-à-dire inférieure à un seuil défini par un questionnaire standardisé. Il est possible de convertir le d de Cohen en une version du NNT qui ne prend pas en compte le ratio d’évènement du groupe contrôle. Le lecteur interessé doit regarder la publication de Furukawa et Leucht (2011) qui donne un argument convaincant et montre pourquoi cela complique l’interprétation du NNT.

Code R pour calculer le NNT depuis le d de Cohen

Puisque j’ai reçu beaucoup de demandes à propos du code R pour la formule ci-dessus, le voici :


  • Baguley, T. (2009). Standardized or simple effect size: what should be reported? British journal of psychology, 100(Pt 3), 603–17.
  • Cohen, J. (1977). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciencies. Routledge.
  • Furukawa, T. A., & Leucht, S. (2011). How to obtain NNT from Cohen’s d: comparison of two methods. PloS one, 6(4).
  • Reiser, B., & Faraggi, D. (1999). Confidence intervals for the overlapping coefficient: the normal equal variance case. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 48(3), 413-418.
  • Ruscio, J. (2008). A probability-based measure of effect size: robustness to base rates and other factors. Psychological methods, 13(1), 19–30.
  • Ruscio, J., & Mullen, T. (2012). Confidence Intervals for the Probability of Superiority Effect Size Measure and the Area Under a Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 47(2), 201–223.

Citez cette page en suivant votre système de citation favori. La référence ci-dessous est automatiquement générée et contient les informations correctes.


Magnusson, K. (2023). A Causal Inference Perspective on Therapist Effects. PsyArXiv. https://DOI


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C’est intentionnel, vous pouvez en apprendre plus sur les raisons dans cet article de blog : Where Cohen went wrong – the proportion of overlap between two normal distributions

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Un énorme merci aux 175 sponsors qui m'ont acheté 422 cafés !

Steffen a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕ (12) cafés

I love your visualizations. Some of the best out there!!!

Jason Rinaldo a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕ (10) cafés

I've been looking for applets that show this for YEARS, for demonstrations for classes. Thank you so much! Students do not need to tolarate my whiteboard scrawl now. I'm sure they'd appreciate you, too.l

Shawn Bergman a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Thank you for putting this together! I am using these visuals and this information to teach my Advanced Quant class. a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

I've been using a lot of your ideas in a paper I'm writing and even borrowed some of your code (cited of course). But this site has been so helpful I think, in addition, I owe you a few coffees!

Chip Reichardt a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Hi Krisoffer, these are great applets and I've examined many. I'm writing a chapter for the second edition of "Teaching statistics and quantitative methods in the 21st century" by Joe Rodgers (Routledge). My chapter is on the use of applets in teaching statistics. I could well be describing 5 of yours. Would you permit me to publish one or more screen shots of the output from one or more of your applets. I promise I will be saying very positive things about your applets. If you are inclined to respond, my email address if

Someone a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Someone a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Nice work! Saw some of your other publications and they are also really intriguing. Thanks so much!

JDMM a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

You finally helped me understand correlation! Many, many thanks... 😄

@VicCazares a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Good stuff! It's been so helpful for teaching a Psych Stats class. Cheers!

Dustin M. Burt a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Excellent and informative visualizations!

Someone a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

@metzpsych a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Always the clearest, loveliest simulations for complex concepts. Amazing resource for teaching intro stats!

Ryo a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

For a couple years now I've been wanting to create visualizations like these as a way to commit these foundational concepts to memory. But after finding your website I'm both relieved that I don't have to do that now and pissed off that I couldn't create anything half as beautiful and informative as you have done here. Wonderful job.

Diarmuid Harvey a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

You have an extremely useful site with very accessible content that I have been using to introduce colleagues and students to some of the core concepts of statistics. Keep up the good work, and thanks!

Michael Hansen a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Keep up the good work!

Michael Villanueva a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

I wish I could learn more from you about stats and math -- you use language in places that I do not understand. Cohen's D visualizations opened my understanding. Thank you

Someone a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Thank you, Kristoffer

Pål from Norway a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Great webpage, I use it to illustrate several issues when I have a lecture in research methods. Thanks, it is really helpful for the students:)

@MAgrochao a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Joseph Bulbulia a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Hard to overstate the importance of this work Kristoffer. Grateful for all you are doing.

@TDmyersMT a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Some really useful simulations, great teaching resources.

@lakens a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Thanks for fixing the bug yesterday!

@LinneaGandhi a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

This is awesome! Thank you for creating these. Definitely using for my students, and me! :-)

@ICH8412 a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

very useful for my students I guess

@KelvinEJones a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Preparing my Master's student for final oral exam and stumbled on your site. We are discussing in lab meeting today. Coffee for everyone.

Someone a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

What a great site

@Daniel_Brad4d a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Wonderful work!

David Loschelder a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Terrific work. So very helpful. Thank you very much.

@neilmeigh a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

I am so grateful for your page and can't thank you enough!  

@giladfeldman a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Wonderful work, I use it every semester and it really helps the students (and me) understand things better. Keep going strong.

Dean Norris a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Sal a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Really super useful, especially for teaching. Thanks for this! a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Very helpful to helping teach teachers about the effects of the Good Behavior Game

@akreutzer82 a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

Amazing visualizations! Thank you!

@rdh_CLE a acheté ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) cafés

So good! a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Hey, your stuff is cool - thanks for the visual

Hugo Quené a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Hi Kristoffer, Some time ago I've come up with a similar illustration about CIs as you have produced, and I'm now also referring to your work:<br><br>With kind regards, Hugo Quené<br>(Utrecht University, Netherlands)

Tor a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Thanks so much for helping me understand these methods!

Amanda Sharples a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Soyol a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Someone a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Kenneth Nilsson a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Keep up the splendid work!

@jeremywilmer a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Love this website; use it all the time in my teaching and research.

Someone a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Powerlmm was really helpful, and I appreciate your time in putting such an amazing resource together!

DR AMANDA C DE C WILLIAMS a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

This is very helpful, for my work and for teaching and supervising

Georgios Halkias a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Regina a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Love your visualizations!

Susan Evans a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Thanks. I really love the simplicity of your sliders. Thanks!!

@MichaMarie8 a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Thanks for making this Interpreting Correlations: Interactive Visualizations site - it's definitely a great help for this psych student! 😃

Zakaria Giunashvili, from Georgia a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

brilliant simulations that can be effectively used in training

Someone a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

@PhysioSven a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Amazing illustrations, there is not enough coffee in the world for enthusiasts like you! Thanks!

Cheryl@CurtinUniAus a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

🌟What a great contribution - thanks Kristoffer!

vanessa moran a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Wow - your website is fantastic, thank you for making it.

Someone a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Thank you Kristoffer This is a nice site, which I have been used for a while. Best Prof. Mikhail Saltychev (Turku University, Finland)

Someone a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Ruslan Klymentiev a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

@lkizbok a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Keep up the nice work, thank you!

@TELLlab a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Thanks - this will help me to teach tomorrow!

SCCT/Psychology a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Keep the visualizations coming!

@elena_bolt a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Thank you so much for your work, Kristoffer. I use your visualizations to explain concepts to my tutoring students and they are a huge help.

A random user a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Thank you for making such useful and pretty tools. It not only helped me understand more about power, effect size, etc, but also made my quanti-method class more engaging and interesting. Thank you and wish you a great 2021!

@hertzpodcast a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

We've mentioned your work a few times on our podcast and we recently sent a poster to a listener as prize so we wanted to buy you a few coffees. Thanks for the great work that you do!Dan Quintana and James Heathers - Co-hosts of Everything Hertz 

Cameron Proctor a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Used your vizualization in class today. Thanks! a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

My students love these visualizations and so do I! Thanks for helping me make stats more intuitive.

Someone a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Adrian Helgå Vestøl a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

@misteryosupjoo a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

For a high school teacher of psychology, I would be lost without your visualizations. The ability to interact and manipulate allows students to get it in a very sticky manner. Thank you!!!

Chi a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

You Cohen's d post really helped me explaining the interpretation to people who don't know stats! Thank you!

Someone a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

You doing useful work !! thanks !!

@ArtisanalANN a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés


@jsholtes a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Teaching stats to civil engineer undergrads (first time teaching for me, first time for most of them too) and grasping for some good explanations of hypothesis testing, power, and CI's. Love these interactive graphics!

@notawful a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Thank you for using your stats and programming gifts in such a useful, generous manner. -Jess

Mateu Servera a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

A job that must have cost far more coffees than we can afford you ;-). Thank you.

@cdrawn a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Thank you! Such a great resource for teaching these concepts, especially CI, Power, correlation.

Julia a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Fantastic work with the visualizations!

@felixthoemmes a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

@dalejbarr a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Your work is amazing! I use your visualizations often in my teaching. Thank you. 

@PsychoMouse a acheté ☕☕☕ (3) cafés

Excellent!  Well done!  SOOOO Useful!😊 🐭 

Someone a acheté ☕☕ (2) cafés

Thanks, your work is great!!

Dan Sanes a acheté ☕☕ (2) cafés

this is a superb, intuitive teaching tool!

@whlevine a acheté ☕☕ (2) cafés

Thank you so much for these amazing visualizations. They're a great teaching tool and the allow me to show students things that it would take me weeks or months to program myself.

Someone a acheté ☕☕ (2) cafés

@notawful a acheté ☕☕ (2) cafés

Thank you for sharing your visualization skills with the rest of us! I use them frequently when teaching intro stats. 

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

You are awesome

Thom Marchbank a acheté ☕ (1) café

Your visualisations are so useful! Thank you so much for your work.

georgina g. a acheté ☕ (1) café

thanks for helping me in my psych degree!

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thank You for this work.

Kosaku Noba a acheté ☕ (1) café

Nice visualization, I bought a cup of coffee.

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thomas a acheté ☕ (1) café

Great. Use it for teaching in psychology.

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

It is the best statistics visualization so far!

Ergun Pascu a acheté ☕ (1) café

AMAZING Tool!!! Thank You!

Ann Calhoun-Sauls a acheté ☕ (1) café

This has been a wonderful resource for my statistics and research methods classes. I also occassionally use it for other courses such as Theories of Personality and Social Psychology

David Britt a acheté ☕ (1) café

nicely reasoned

Mike a acheté ☕ (1) café

I appreciate your making this site available. Statistics are not in my wheelhouse, but the ability to display my data more meaningfully in my statistics class is both educational and visually appealing. Thank you!

Jayne T Jacobs a acheté ☕ (1) café

Andrew J O'Neill a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thanks for helping understand stuff!

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Shawn Hemelstrand a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thank you for this great visual. I use it all the time to demonstrate Cohen's d and why mean differences affect it's approximation.

Adele Fowler-Davis a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thank you so much for your excellent post on longitudinal models. Keep up the good work!

Stewart a acheté ☕ (1) café

This tool is awesome!

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Aidan Nelson a acheté ☕ (1) café

Such an awesome page, Thank you

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Ellen Kearns a acheté ☕ (1) café

Dr Nazam Hussain a acheté ☕ (1) café

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Eva a acheté ☕ (1) café

I've been learning about power analysis and effect sizes (trying to decide on effect sizes for my planned study to calculate sample size) and your Cohen's d interactive tool is incredibly useful for understanding the implications of different effect sizes!

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thanks a lot!

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Reena Murmu Nielsen a acheté ☕ (1) café

Tony Andrea a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thanks mate

Tzao a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thank you, this really helps as I am a stats idiot :)

Melanie Pflaum a acheté ☕ (1) café

Sacha Elms a acheté ☕ (1) café

Yihan Xu a acheté ☕ (1) café

Really appreciate your good work!

@stevenleung a acheté ☕ (1) café

Your visualizations really help me understand the math.

Junhan Chen a acheté ☕ (1) café

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Michael Hansen a acheté ☕ (1) café

ALEXANDER VIETHEER a acheté ☕ (1) café

mather a acheté ☕ (1) café

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Bastian Jaeger a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thanks for making the poster designs OA, I just hung two in my office and they look great!

@ValerioVillani a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thanks for your work.

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Great work!

@YashvinSeetahul a acheté ☕ (1) café

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Angela a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thank you for building such excellent ways to convey difficult topics to students!

@inthelabagain a acheté ☕ (1) café

Really wonderful visuals, and such a fantastic and effective teaching tool. So many thanks!

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Yashashree Panda a acheté ☕ (1) café

I really like your work.

Ben a acheté ☕ (1) café

You're awesome. I have students in my intro stats class say, "I get it now," after using your tool. Thanks for making my job easier.

Gabriel Recchia a acheté ☕ (1) café

Incredibly useful tool!

Shiseida Sade Kelly Aponte a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thanks for the assistance for RSCH 8210.

@Benedikt_Hell a acheté ☕ (1) café

Great tools! Thank you very much!

Amalia Alvarez a acheté ☕ (1) café

@noelnguyen16 a acheté ☕ (1) café

Hi Kristoffer, many thanks for making all this great stuff available to the community!

Eran Barzilai a acheté ☕ (1) café

These visualizations are awesome! thank you for creating it

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Chris SG a acheté ☕ (1) café

Very nice.

Gray Church a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thank you for the visualizations. They are fun and informative.

Qamar a acheté ☕ (1) café

Tanya McGhee a acheté ☕ (1) café

@schultemi a acheté ☕ (1) café

Neilo a acheté ☕ (1) café

Really helpful visualisations, thanks!

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

This is amazing stuff. Very slick. 

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Sarko a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thanks so much for creating this! Really helpful for being able to explain effect size to a clinician I'm doing an analysis for. 

@DominikaSlus a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thank you! This page is super useful. I'll spread the word. 

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Melinda Rice a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thank you so much for creating these tools! As we face the challenge of teaching statistical concepts online, this is an invaluable resource.

@tmoldwin a acheté ☕ (1) café

Fantastic resource. I think you would be well served to have one page indexing all your visualizations, that would make it more accessible for sharing as a common resource.

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Fantastic Visualizations! Amazing way to to demonstrate how n/power/beta/alpha/effect size are all interrelated - especially for visual learners! Thank you for creating this?

@jackferd a acheté ☕ (1) café

Incredible visualizations and the best power analysis software on R.

Cameron Proctor a acheté ☕ (1) café

Great website!

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Hanah Chapman a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thank you for this work!!

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

Jayme a acheté ☕ (1) café

Nice explanation and visual guide of Cohen's d

Bart Comly Boyce a acheté ☕ (1) café

thank you

Dr. Mitchell Earleywine a acheté ☕ (1) café

This site is superb!

Florent a acheté ☕ (1) café

Zampeta a acheté ☕ (1) café

thank you for sharing your work. 

Mila a acheté ☕ (1) café

Thank you for the website, made me smile AND smarter :O enjoy your coffee! :)

Deb a acheté ☕ (1) café

Struggling with statistics and your interactive diagram made me smile to see that someone cares enough about us strugglers to make a visual to help us out!😍 

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café

@exerpsysing a acheté ☕ (1) café

Much thanks! Visualizations are key to my learning style! 

Someone a acheté ☕ (1) café


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Plus de visualisations

Understanding p-values Through Simulations

An interactive simulation to help explain p-values

Maximum Likelihood

An interactive post covering various aspects of maximum likelihood estimation.

Cohen's d

An interactive app to visualize and understand standardized effect sizes.

Statistical Power and Significance Testing

An interactive version of the traditional Type I and II error illustration.

Confidence Intervals

An interactive simulation of confidence intervals

Bayesian Inference

An interactive illustration of prior, likelihood, and posterior.


Interactive scatterplot that lets you visualize correlations of various magnitudes.

Equivalence and Non-Inferiority Testing

Explore how superiority, non-inferiority, and equivalence testing relates to a confidence interval

P-value distribution

Explore the expected distribution of p-values under varying alternative hypothesises.


Interactively compare the t- and normal distribution.