Cohens d et mål på effektstørrelse som er utrolig populært i psykologifaget. Tolkinga av denne er derimot ikke helt enkel, og forskere benytter ofte generelle retningslinjer, som å inndele i lav (0.2), middels (0.5), og høy (0.8) verdi når de tolker effekten. I mange tilfeller er det likevel tvilsomt om den standardiserate gjennomsnittsverdiforskjellen (dvs. Cohens d) er mer tolkbar er den ustandardiserte forskjellen.
For å forenkle tolkningen presenteres Cohens d på flere forskjellige måter i denne visualiseringen: Visuelt overlapp, Cohen’s U3, probability of superiority, prosentuelt overlapp, og number needed to treat. Du kan også endre standardavviet samt se den ustandardiserte forskjellen.
Laster inn visualiseringen
Cohens U3
% Overlapp
Probability of Superiority
Number Needed to Treat
Forklart med klarspråk
Med en Cohens d på 0.80, kommer 78.8% av "treatment"-gruppa å være over gjennomsnittsverdien for "control"-gruppa (Cohens U3), 68.9% av de to gruppene til å være overlappende, og det er en 71.4% sjanse å tilfeldig utvalgt person fra "treatment"-gruppa kommer ha en høyere poengscore enn en tilfeldig utvalgt person fra "control"-gruppa (probability of superiority). For å få et mer positivt utfall i "treatment"-gruppa sammenlignet med "control"-gruppa behøver vi behandle 3.5 personer i gjennomsnitt. Dette innebærer at om det er 100 personer i hver gruppe, og om vi antar at 20 personer har et positivt utfall i "control"-gruppa, så kommer 20 + 28.3 personer i "treatment"-gruppa ha positive utfall.1
1Verdiene er gjennomsnitt, og det antas at 20 (CER) i "control"-gruppa har et "positivt utfall", dvs. deres utfall havner under en terskelverdi. Du kan endra på denne verdien i kontrollpanelet. Mer informasjon om utregningene finnes i formel-delen i FAQen.
Written by Kristoffer Magnusson, a researcher in clinical psychology. You should follow him on Bluesky or on Twitter.
Hvordan bruker jeg denne visualiseringen?
Endre Cohens d
Bruk skyvebryteren (slider’en) for å endre Cohens d, eller åpne kontrollpanelet og endre parameterne. Du kan også endre ved hjelp av piltastene på tastaturet.
Du kan endre følgende innstillinger ved å klikke på innstillingsikonene til høyre for skyvebryteren.
- Parametrar
- Gjennomsnitt 1
- Gjennomsnitt 2
- SD
- Control group event rate (CER)
- Etiketter
- X-akse
- Fordeling 1
- Fordeling 2
- Skjutreglagets inställningar
- Maksverdi
- Stegstørrelse: Styrer størrelse på stegene i skyvebryteren
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, og kommer til å vedvare ved fremtidige besøk.
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Denne nettsiden bruker en service worker og vil fungere selv når den er uten nett-tilgang.
Hvilke formler benyttes?
Cohens d
Cohens d er enkelt sagt den standardiserte forskjellen i gjennomsnitt,
der er populasjosparameteret for Cohens d. Der det antas at , dvs., homogene populationsvarianser, og er respektive populasjonens gjennomsnittsverdi.
Cohens U3
Cohen (1977) definerte U3 som et mål på ikke-overlapp, der vi “tar andelen av A-populasjonen som blir overgått av den øvre halvdelen av Β-populasjonen”. Cohens d kan konverteres til Cohens U3 ved hjelp av følgende formel
der er standardnormalfordelingens kumulative fordelningsfunksjon, og populationsverdien for Cohens d.
Kalles generelt for overlapping coefficient (OVL). Cohens d kan konverteres til OVL ved hjelp av følgende formel (Reiser and Faraggi, 1999),
der standardnormalfordelingens kumulative fordelningsfunksjon, og populationsverdien for Cohens d.
Probability of superiority
Dette er en effektstørrelse med mange navn: common language effect size (CL), Area under the receiver operating characteristics (AUROC) eller bare A for sin ikke-parametriske versjon (Ruscio & Mullen, 2012). Det er tenkt som en mer intuitiv effektstørrelse for personer uten statistikkutdanning. Effektstørrelsen gir sannsynligheten for at en tilfeldig utvalgt person fra tiltaksgruppa har større score enn en tilfeldig utvalgt person fra kontrollgruppa. Cohens d kan konverteres til CL ved hjelp av følgende formel (Ruscio, 2008),
der standardnormalfordelingens kumulative fordelningsfunksjon, og populasjonsverdien for Cohens d.
Number Needed to Treat
NNT er antallet pasienter som må behandles for å få 1 flere positive utfall i tiltaksgruppa sammenlignet med kontrollgruppen. Furukawa og Leucht (2011) gav følgende formel for å regne om Cohens d til NNT,
hvor standardnormalfordelingens kumulative fordelningsfunksjon og dens inverse, CER er kontrollsgruppa hendelsesfrekvens og populationsverdien for Cohens d. OBS. CER er 20 % i visualiseringen. Du kan endre på dette ved å klikke på innstillingsikonet til høyre for skjutreglaget. Definisjonen av en “hendelse” eller “respons” er godtyckligt, og skulle kunne definieres som andelen pasienter i remission, for eksempel de som er under en viss terskelverdi med en standardiserat formel. Det er mulig å konvertere Cohens d til en versjon av NNT som ignorerer kontrollgruppas hendelsesfrekvens. Om du vil lese mer om det kan du lese Furukawa & Leucht (2011), som presenterer overbevisende argument for hvorfor det kompliserer tolkninga av NNT.
R-programmeringskode for å beregne NNT fra Cohens d
Fordi mange har spurt om R-kode for formelen ovenfor så viser jeg den her:
- Baguley, T. (2009). Standardized or simple effect size: what should be reported? British journal of psychology, 100(Pt 3), 603–17.
- Cohen, J. (1977). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciencies. Routledge.
- Furukawa, T. A., & Leucht, S. (2011). How to obtain NNT from Cohen’s d: comparison of two methods. PloS one, 6(4).
- Reiser, B., & Faraggi, D. (1999). Confidence intervals for the overlapping coefficient: the normal equal variance case. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 48(3), 413-418.
- Ruscio, J. (2008). A probability-based measure of effect size: robustness to base rates and other factors. Psychological methods, 13(1), 19–30.
- Ruscio, J., & Mullen, T. (2012). Confidence Intervals for the Probability of Superiority Effect Size Measure and the Area Under a Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 47(2), 201–223.
Hvordan refererer jeg til denne siden?
Referer til denne siden i henhold til din favoritt-siteringsstil. Referansen nedenfor blir automatisk generert med korrekt informasjon.
Magnusson, K. (2023). A Causal Inference Perspective on Therapist Effects. PsyArXiv. https://DOI
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Overlappstatistikken skiller seg fra Cohens beregninger
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En stor takk til de 175 personer som har spandert 422 kaffe!
Steffen kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕ (12) kaffe
I love your visualizations. Some of the best out there!!!
Jason Rinaldo kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕ (10) kaffe
I've been looking for applets that show this for YEARS, for demonstrations for classes. Thank you so much! Students do not need to tolarate my whiteboard scrawl now. I'm sure they'd appreciate you, too.l
Shawn Bergman kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Thank you for putting this together! I am using these visuals and this information to teach my Advanced Quant class. kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
I've been using a lot of your ideas in a paper I'm writing and even borrowed some of your code (cited of course). But this site has been so helpful I think, in addition, I owe you a few coffees!
Chip Reichardt kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Hi Krisoffer, these are great applets and I've examined many. I'm writing a chapter for the second edition of "Teaching statistics and quantitative methods in the 21st century" by Joe Rodgers (Routledge). My chapter is on the use of applets in teaching statistics. I could well be describing 5 of yours. Would you permit me to publish one or more screen shots of the output from one or more of your applets. I promise I will be saying very positive things about your applets. If you are inclined to respond, my email address if
Someone kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Someone kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Nice work! Saw some of your other publications and they are also really intriguing. Thanks so much!
JDMM kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
You finally helped me understand correlation! Many, many thanks... 😄
@VicCazares kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Good stuff! It's been so helpful for teaching a Psych Stats class. Cheers!
Dustin M. Burt kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Excellent and informative visualizations!
Someone kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
@metzpsych kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Always the clearest, loveliest simulations for complex concepts. Amazing resource for teaching intro stats!
Ryo kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
For a couple years now I've been wanting to create visualizations like these as a way to commit these foundational concepts to memory. But after finding your website I'm both relieved that I don't have to do that now and pissed off that I couldn't create anything half as beautiful and informative as you have done here. Wonderful job.
Diarmuid Harvey kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
You have an extremely useful site with very accessible content that I have been using to introduce colleagues and students to some of the core concepts of statistics. Keep up the good work, and thanks!
Michael Hansen kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Keep up the good work!
Michael Villanueva kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
I wish I could learn more from you about stats and math -- you use language in places that I do not understand. Cohen's D visualizations opened my understanding. Thank you
Someone kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Thank you, Kristoffer
Pål from Norway kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Great webpage, I use it to illustrate several issues when I have a lecture in research methods. Thanks, it is really helpful for the students:)
@MAgrochao kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Joseph Bulbulia kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Hard to overstate the importance of this work Kristoffer. Grateful for all you are doing.
@TDmyersMT kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Some really useful simulations, great teaching resources.
@lakens kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Thanks for fixing the bug yesterday!
@LinneaGandhi kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
This is awesome! Thank you for creating these. Definitely using for my students, and me! :-)
@ICH8412 kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
very useful for my students I guess
@KelvinEJones kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Preparing my Master's student for final oral exam and stumbled on your site. We are discussing in lab meeting today. Coffee for everyone.
Someone kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
What a great site
@Daniel_Brad4d kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Wonderful work!
David Loschelder kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Terrific work. So very helpful. Thank you very much.
@neilmeigh kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
I am so grateful for your page and can't thank you enough!
@giladfeldman kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Wonderful work, I use it every semester and it really helps the students (and me) understand things better. Keep going strong.
Dean Norris kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Sal kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Really super useful, especially for teaching. Thanks for this! kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Very helpful to helping teach teachers about the effects of the Good Behavior Game
@akreutzer82 kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
Amazing visualizations! Thank you!
@rdh_CLE kjøpte ☕☕☕☕☕ (5) kaffe
So good! kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Hey, your stuff is cool - thanks for the visual
Hugo Quené kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Hi Kristoffer, Some time ago I've come up with a similar illustration about CIs as you have produced, and I'm now also referring to your work:<br><br>With kind regards, Hugo Quené<br>(Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Tor kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Thanks so much for helping me understand these methods!
Amanda Sharples kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Soyol kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Someone kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Kenneth Nilsson kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Keep up the splendid work!
@jeremywilmer kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Love this website; use it all the time in my teaching and research.
Someone kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Powerlmm was really helpful, and I appreciate your time in putting such an amazing resource together!
DR AMANDA C DE C WILLIAMS kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
This is very helpful, for my work and for teaching and supervising
Georgios Halkias kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Regina kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Love your visualizations!
Susan Evans kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Thanks. I really love the simplicity of your sliders. Thanks!!
@MichaMarie8 kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Thanks for making this Interpreting Correlations: Interactive Visualizations site - it's definitely a great help for this psych student! 😃
Zakaria Giunashvili, from Georgia kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
brilliant simulations that can be effectively used in training
Someone kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
@PhysioSven kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Amazing illustrations, there is not enough coffee in the world for enthusiasts like you! Thanks!
Cheryl@CurtinUniAus kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
🌟What a great contribution - thanks Kristoffer!
vanessa moran kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Wow - your website is fantastic, thank you for making it.
Someone kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Thank you Kristoffer This is a nice site, which I have been used for a while. Best Prof. Mikhail Saltychev (Turku University, Finland)
Someone kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Ruslan Klymentiev kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
@lkizbok kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Keep up the nice work, thank you!
@TELLlab kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Thanks - this will help me to teach tomorrow!
SCCT/Psychology kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Keep the visualizations coming!
@elena_bolt kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Thank you so much for your work, Kristoffer. I use your visualizations to explain concepts to my tutoring students and they are a huge help.
A random user kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Thank you for making such useful and pretty tools. It not only helped me understand more about power, effect size, etc, but also made my quanti-method class more engaging and interesting. Thank you and wish you a great 2021!
@hertzpodcast kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
We've mentioned your work a few times on our podcast and we recently sent a poster to a listener as prize so we wanted to buy you a few coffees. Thanks for the great work that you do!Dan Quintana and James Heathers - Co-hosts of Everything Hertz
Cameron Proctor kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Used your vizualization in class today. Thanks! kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
My students love these visualizations and so do I! Thanks for helping me make stats more intuitive.
Someone kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Adrian Helgå Vestøl kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
@misteryosupjoo kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
For a high school teacher of psychology, I would be lost without your visualizations. The ability to interact and manipulate allows students to get it in a very sticky manner. Thank you!!!
Chi kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
You Cohen's d post really helped me explaining the interpretation to people who don't know stats! Thank you!
Someone kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
You doing useful work !! thanks !!
@ArtisanalANN kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
@jsholtes kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Teaching stats to civil engineer undergrads (first time teaching for me, first time for most of them too) and grasping for some good explanations of hypothesis testing, power, and CI's. Love these interactive graphics!
@notawful kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Thank you for using your stats and programming gifts in such a useful, generous manner. -Jess
Mateu Servera kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
A job that must have cost far more coffees than we can afford you ;-). Thank you.
@cdrawn kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Thank you! Such a great resource for teaching these concepts, especially CI, Power, correlation.
Julia kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Fantastic work with the visualizations!
@felixthoemmes kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
@dalejbarr kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Your work is amazing! I use your visualizations often in my teaching. Thank you.
@PsychoMouse kjøpte ☕☕☕ (3) kaffe
Excellent! Well done! SOOOO Useful!😊 🐭
Someone kjøpte ☕☕ (2) kaffe
Thanks, your work is great!!
Dan Sanes kjøpte ☕☕ (2) kaffe
this is a superb, intuitive teaching tool!
@whlevine kjøpte ☕☕ (2) kaffe
Thank you so much for these amazing visualizations. They're a great teaching tool and the allow me to show students things that it would take me weeks or months to program myself.
Someone kjøpte ☕☕ (2) kaffe
@notawful kjøpte ☕☕ (2) kaffe
Thank you for sharing your visualization skills with the rest of us! I use them frequently when teaching intro stats.
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
You are awesome
Thom Marchbank kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Your visualisations are so useful! Thank you so much for your work.
georgina g. kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
thanks for helping me in my psych degree!
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thank You for this work.
Kosaku Noba kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Nice visualization, I bought a cup of coffee.
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thomas kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Great. Use it for teaching in psychology.
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
It is the best statistics visualization so far!
Ergun Pascu kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
AMAZING Tool!!! Thank You!
Ann Calhoun-Sauls kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
This has been a wonderful resource for my statistics and research methods classes. I also occassionally use it for other courses such as Theories of Personality and Social Psychology
David Britt kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
nicely reasoned
Mike kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
I appreciate your making this site available. Statistics are not in my wheelhouse, but the ability to display my data more meaningfully in my statistics class is both educational and visually appealing. Thank you!
Jayne T Jacobs kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Andrew J O'Neill kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thanks for helping understand stuff!
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Shawn Hemelstrand kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thank you for this great visual. I use it all the time to demonstrate Cohen's d and why mean differences affect it's approximation.
Adele Fowler-Davis kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thank you so much for your excellent post on longitudinal models. Keep up the good work!
Stewart kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
This tool is awesome!
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Aidan Nelson kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Such an awesome page, Thank you
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Ellen Kearns kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Dr Nazam Hussain kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Eva kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
I've been learning about power analysis and effect sizes (trying to decide on effect sizes for my planned study to calculate sample size) and your Cohen's d interactive tool is incredibly useful for understanding the implications of different effect sizes!
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thanks a lot!
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Reena Murmu Nielsen kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Tony Andrea kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thanks mate
Tzao kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thank you, this really helps as I am a stats idiot :)
Melanie Pflaum kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Sacha Elms kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Yihan Xu kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Really appreciate your good work!
@stevenleung kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Your visualizations really help me understand the math.
Junhan Chen kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Michael Hansen kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
ALEXANDER VIETHEER kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
mather kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Bastian Jaeger kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thanks for making the poster designs OA, I just hung two in my office and they look great!
@ValerioVillani kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thanks for your work.
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Great work!
@YashvinSeetahul kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Angela kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thank you for building such excellent ways to convey difficult topics to students!
@inthelabagain kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Really wonderful visuals, and such a fantastic and effective teaching tool. So many thanks!
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Yashashree Panda kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
I really like your work.
Ben kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
You're awesome. I have students in my intro stats class say, "I get it now," after using your tool. Thanks for making my job easier.
Gabriel Recchia kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Incredibly useful tool!
Shiseida Sade Kelly Aponte kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thanks for the assistance for RSCH 8210.
@Benedikt_Hell kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Great tools! Thank you very much!
Amalia Alvarez kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
@noelnguyen16 kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Hi Kristoffer, many thanks for making all this great stuff available to the community!
Eran Barzilai kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
These visualizations are awesome! thank you for creating it
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Chris SG kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Very nice.
Gray Church kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thank you for the visualizations. They are fun and informative.
Qamar kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Tanya McGhee kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
@schultemi kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Neilo kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Really helpful visualisations, thanks!
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
This is amazing stuff. Very slick.
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Sarko kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thanks so much for creating this! Really helpful for being able to explain effect size to a clinician I'm doing an analysis for.
@DominikaSlus kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thank you! This page is super useful. I'll spread the word.
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Melinda Rice kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thank you so much for creating these tools! As we face the challenge of teaching statistical concepts online, this is an invaluable resource.
@tmoldwin kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Fantastic resource. I think you would be well served to have one page indexing all your visualizations, that would make it more accessible for sharing as a common resource.
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Fantastic Visualizations! Amazing way to to demonstrate how n/power/beta/alpha/effect size are all interrelated - especially for visual learners! Thank you for creating this?
@jackferd kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Incredible visualizations and the best power analysis software on R.
Cameron Proctor kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Great website!
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Hanah Chapman kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thank you for this work!!
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Jayme kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Nice explanation and visual guide of Cohen's d
Bart Comly Boyce kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
thank you
Dr. Mitchell Earleywine kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
This site is superb!
Florent kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Zampeta kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
thank you for sharing your work.
Mila kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Thank you for the website, made me smile AND smarter :O enjoy your coffee! :)
Deb kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Struggling with statistics and your interactive diagram made me smile to see that someone cares enough about us strugglers to make a visual to help us out!😍
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
@exerpsysing kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
Much thanks! Visualizations are key to my learning style!
Someone kjøpte ☕ (1) kaffe
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Flere visualiseringer
Statistical Power and Significance Testing
An interactive version of the traditional Type I and II error illustration.
Equivalence and Non-Inferiority Testing
Explore how superiority, non-inferiority, and equivalence testing relates to a confidence interval